Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Required items:
Cut all the fruits into small cubes.
Apple -1 cup
Banana-1 cup
Grapes-1/2 cup
Pineapple-1/2 cup
Papaya-1/2 cup
Pomegranate-1/4 cup
Vannilla essence-1/4 tsp
Condensed milk-1/2 cup

Method :
Put all the fruits in a bowl.
Add vanilla essence & condensed milk to the fruits.
Mix gently with a ladle.
Keep it in the refrigerator & serve it cool.

Your yummie fruit salad is ready now.children enjoy it very much.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Very tasty...Thanks for recipe mylapore maami. Can you please give me the recipe for kadappa sambar?